Six Herbal Teas for Pregnancy and Postpartum

Herbal teas are a wonderful addition to your pregnancy and postpartum diet and today I wanted to share some of my favourites with you. Herbal teas offer a wide range of benefits from toning the uterus in preparation for birth to aiding circulation, boosting iron levels and calming the nervous system.

Infusions are essentially the same as a tea but they are brewed for much longer (usually up to 12 hours) so that more of the plant’s therapeutic properties are extracted. Infusions can be great sources of vitamins and minerals which can really make all the difference during pregnancy and postpartum recovery.

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Leanne Kifford
Balancing Hormones with Seed Cycling

So what’s the deal with seed cycling? How can such a simple practice really have an impact on our hormones? How do you do it? Will it help me?

These are just a few of the questions that I wanted to answer in today’s blog post as seed cycling for hormonal balance is a severely underused tool and any woman with hormonal imbalance, and the whole host of issues that come as a result of it, should be privy to it.

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Leanne Kifford
5 Simple Tips for Preparing your body for pregnancy

Hiking Mount Everest? Running a marathon? Signed up for your local Tough Mudder? Chances are you wouldn’t do any of these things without first preparing your body for the challenge it is about to face. Whilst I am not directly comparing pregnancy and childbirth to any one of these things (there is no comparison to growing another human being inside of you!), my point is that we all know that when we take on a demanding task, it is in our best interests to prepare ourselves, physically, mentally and emotionally for the challenge ahead, giving it the respect it deserves and well…pregnancy deserves a lot of respect!

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Leanne Kifford
Meal Planning

Studies have shown that the more often families eat together, the more likely it is that kids will do well in school, eat fruits and vegetables and build their vocabularies, and the less likely they will smoke, drink, do drugs, suffer with depression or have eating disorders. So even if it is not possible for every family member to sit down together every night of the week, make it happen as much as possible as each mealtime counts.

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Leanne Kifford
The Fourth Trimester

The so called ‘Fourth Trimester’ is a profoundly important, yet so often overlooked stage of a mother’s life in the modern world. The environment we surround ourselves in and the self care practices we do or do not take part in during this time not only lay the foundations for the mother-child connection but also pave the way for your future health as well as your child’s.

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