Six Herbal Teas for Pregnancy and Postpartum


Herbal teas are a wonderful addition to your pregnancy and postpartum diet and today I wanted to share some of my favourites with you. Herbal teas offer a wide range of benefits from toning the uterus in preparation for birth to aiding circulation, boosting iron levels and calming the nervous system.

Infusions are essentially the same as a tea but they are brewed for much longer (usually up to 12 hours) so that more of the plant’s therapeutic properties are extracted. Infusions can be great sources of vitamins and minerals which can really make all the difference during pregnancy and postpartum recovery.

Raspberry Leaf

Probably the most well known of the pregnancy tonics is raspberry leaf, due to its ‘toning’ action on the uterus. This effect is thanks to an alkaloid called fragrine which gives tone to the pelvic region. This little leaf is rich in vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, A, B complex and E as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorous. Benefits of raspberry leaf include:

  • Shortening labour - studies have shown that women who regularly drink raspberry leaf in the third trimester had shorter labours than those who did not.

  • Reducing pain during and after labour - again due to the toning action on the uterus.

  • Reducing risk of miscarriage and haemorrhage.

  • Boosting milk supply - this mineral rich tea may assist in breast milk production.

  • Easing morning sickness - although mostly used towards the end of pregnancy, some women find raspberry leaf an effective remedy for morning sickness.

Nettle Leaf

A vitamin and mineral powerhouse! Nettle includes almost all vitamins and minerals known to be required for human health and growth. Growing abundantly all around us, this common weed is rich in chlorophyll which gives it a beautiful almost black colour when made into an infusion. Nettles contain vitamin K, A, C, B complex, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium and iron. Benefits include:

  • Preventing haemorrhage - rich in vitamin K which is important for blood clotting therefore reducing risk of postpartum haemorrhage.

  • Easing leg cramps and spasms - due to the calcium and magnesium content, which are two minerals needed for proper muscle contraction and relaxation, nettle can help with cramps and spasms which are common during pregnancy. For the same reason, consuming nettle tea or infusion may also help with any discomfort felt with afterbirth pains as the uterus contracts back to size.

  • Purify the blood - in Traditional Chinese Medicine, nettles are said to purify the blood and nourish the kidneys. In the West, this supportive effect on the kidneys is also recognised and may prove beneficial in pregnancy since the kidneys are put under pressure filtering 150% of your normal blood volume.

  • Boosting iron levels - iron levels naturally lower in the later stages of pregnancy due to the increase in blood volume but it is important that these levels do not drop too low or result in anaemia. Nettles are a fantastic bio available source of iron to help keep levels up.

  • Nourishes mother and baby - thanks to its richness in vitamins and minerals.

Lemon Balm

This beautiful, gentle herb can provide much support during pregnancy and postpartum. Benefits include:

  • Calming the nerves - as a nervine herb, lemon balm is known for its calming effect on the nervous system which is fantastic if any anxiety or irritability arise during pregnancy or postpartum.

  • Lifting the spirits - lemon balm with its delicate, citrusy scent is said to calm the heart and body whilst lifting the spirits, giving an overall feeling of wellbeing. If ever there is a time we want to stay happy, content and blissful, it is during pregnancy and postpartum!

  • Aiding digestion - this herb is particularly useful for easing digestive discomfort and tackling gas, indigestion, bloating and vomiting.

  • Aiding sleep - sleep can become an issue in later pregnancy when regular toilet trips and a growing bump cause much disruption. This is when relaxing, nervine herbs can really help to calm the body, aiding restful sleep and quick return to sleep after being disturbed.


A sturdy and nourishing herb, I like to think of oatstraw as a herb which helps us stand strong and increase resilience. Another herb which is rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium and magnesium. Benefits include:

  • Supporting the nervous system - another nervine herb helping to calm the nerves, ease anxiety and level out any emotional roller coasters we may have stepped onto!

  • Boosting mood - calming the nerves, easing stress and uplifting the spirits, oatstraw has been used for its anti-depressant effects.

  • Strengthening capillaries - oatstraw has benefited those with varicose veins or other varicosities which can show up during pregnancy due to its ability to strengthen capillaries.

  • Aiding sleep - for the same reasons as lemon balm, oatstraw is a great herb for promoting restful sleep.

  • Nourishing mother and baby - oatstraw infusion provides many nutrients for mother and baby including vitamins A, B complex, C and E as well as magnesium, calcium, zinc and chromium.


A warming spice which can be a fantastic aid during pregnancy. Benefits of drinking fresh ginger tea include:

  • Easing morning sickness - ginger helps to settle the stomach and has been traditionally used to ease motion sickness as well as morning sickness.

  • Boosting circulation - warming and stimulating, ginger helps to boost circulation which is especially important in pregnancy to prevent swelling, numbness, itching and cramps. Efficient circulation is also important postpartum for speedy recovery.

  • Aiding digestion - the digestive system can become sluggish in pregnancy mainly due to relaxing pregnancy hormones and physical restrictions due to the growing baby. Ginger is traditionally used to aid digestion and ease stomach discomfort.


A cooling herb which can provide much relief for those with nausea. Spearmint is preferred to peppermint as peppermint may cause irritation to those with reflux. Benefits of drinking spearmint tea during pregnancy include:

  • Settling the stomach - mint has a relaxing effect on the stomach muscles therefore easing any digestive discomfort.

  • Easing morning sickness - again due to the relaxing effects on the stomach, mint can give much relief from nausea and vomiting.

Raspberry leaf, nettle, oatstraw, lemon balm and spearmint are all included in my Pregnancy and Postpartum Tea Blend.

Wishing you a healthful and happy pregnancy and postpartum.

With love x

Please note: all of the above herbs have a long history of use during pregnancy and postpartum but should always be consumed in moderation and speak to your healthcare provider if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns.


Follow me on Instagram @thefifthelementnutrition

Leanne Kifford